
About the Stand

This is a large open food plot surrounded by planted pines in the back and a field to the side. The food plot was named for the extra large shooting house positioned at the front end of it when the lease was first acquired.

The shooting house has since fallen and the plot is now set up with a tripod nestled in amongst small planted pines. The tripod was set up shortly after the pines were first planted. The trees have since grown up and surrounded the tripod creating plenty of cover.

This stand has a large deer herd in the surrounding woods with a bedding area just off the back edge of the food plot. While no deer were killed here in 2012, multiple rack bucks were seen and even more were caught on the game cameras.

View from the Seat

Trophy Case:

Picture to come...

Still on The Loose:

No pictures are currently available from game cameras in 2013.

To see a complete list of pictures, click here.

 Hunting Outcomes
 Hunter  Date  Time  Hunting Outcome